I, of course, participated in the full glory that was Halloween, along with my fellow compatriots, dressing up and crashing undergrad keggers. All in all, good fun. I even had two somewhat non-creepy people ask me to pose for a photo. By far the best part, was being in the entourage of a friend who dressed up as Frosty the snowman sans button nose (he used a carrot instead). Mr. Frosty was *the* local celebrity. Girls and guys alike clamored to take their picture with him. Let's just say Frosty was in pure snow heaven, and his wife thought it was hilarious. He even had the best cat-calls, such as "it's too hot for you mother f*ker," "it's frosty the gosh-darn snowman" (but didn't use gosh) and "it's Jesus as a snowman." The last one is my personal favorite.
The rest will be explained via photographs as this is the best medium with which to express the flavor of the evening.
Welcome to blue heaven.
We can totally kick your ass.
Frosty. Note to self, long orange nose makes it hard to consume alcoholic beverages.
How true it is. (You don't have to have a good time to drink)
God, I loved this game.
Britney post-break down with Samuel L. Amazingly, Britney in this photo is a man, his celebrity resemblance was uncanny.
The masses *before* midnight.
My other all-time favorite part of the evening was when birth-control (blurred above) got "attacked" by the mass of sperm-dressed fraternity boys...complete with accompanying egg. I give them credit for the original, positive, public-health promoting costumes. We can send a message.
We can totally kick your ass.
Frosty. Note to self, long orange nose makes it hard to consume alcoholic beverages.
How true it is. (You don't have to have a good time to drink)
God, I loved this game.
Britney post-break down with Samuel L. Amazingly, Britney in this photo is a man, his celebrity resemblance was uncanny.
The masses *before* midnight.
My other all-time favorite part of the evening was when birth-control (blurred above) got "attacked" by the mass of sperm-dressed fraternity boys...complete with accompanying egg. I give them credit for the original, positive, public-health promoting costumes. We can send a message.
Hope your "holiday" was just as spooktacular.
Very COOL. Sounds like a great time! My girls went as a witch, an angel, and a cheerleader.
Wow. There were some pics I hadn't seen yet. HILARIOUS. I'm glad that you had a good time. ;)
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